Comparison of E & M ============================================== Useful Tricks -------------------------------------- .. math:: \partial_i(x_k j_i) = j_k + x_k \partial_i j_i This is useful because we have .. math:: \nabla \cdot \vec j = \partial_i j_i = \frac{d}{dt} \rho = 0, and the LHS can be turned into a surface integral as one wish and disappears. A similar one is .. math:: \partial_i(x_k x_l j_i) . Statics in Vacuum ---------------------------------- Source of Fields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Source of Electric Field in Electrostatics Source of electric field is charge .. math:: \nabla \cdot \vec E = 4\pi \rho 2. Source of Maganetic field in Magnetostatics Current is the source of maganetic field .. math:: \nabla \times \vec B = \frac{4\pi}{c} \vec j . Potentials ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Electric Potential Electric potential is given by .. math:: \vec E = -\nabla \phi. Imediately, we have the curl of electrical field being 0, i.e., .. math:: \nabla\times \vec E = 0. By implementing Gauss's law, the equation for potential becomes .. math:: \nabla^2 \phi = - 4\pi \rho . The solution, apply the Green's function to Laplace equation, .. math:: \phi(\vec x) = \int d^3x' \frac{\rho(\vec x')}{\lvert \vec x - \vec x' \rvert} 2. Magnetic Potential Magnetic potential is given by .. math:: \vec B = \nabla \times \vec A . Applying curl of magnetic field and solving the equation, .. math:: \vec A = \frac{1}{c}\int \frac{\vec j}{\lvert \vec x - \vec x' \rvert} d^3 x' . Gauge of fields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By definition, electric potential and maganetic potential are, repectively, .. math:: \vec E = -\nabla \phi , .. math:: \vec B = - \nabla \times \vec A . Electric field is invariant under a transform .. math:: \phi' = \phi + \phi_0, where :math:`\nabla\phi_0=0`. Similarly, the potential for magnetic field is .. math:: \vec A' = \vec A + \nabla \psi, in which :math:`\psi` can be any scalar fields. .. admonition:: Gauge :class: note As expected, these definitions of fields do not determine the potential completely. This is gauge freedom. **It might seem strange to talk about such a freedom. As we would ask why we have such freedom for potentials?** In class electrodynamics, potentials are merely mathematical tools. So the notion that potental has gauge freedom comes only from the mathematical definition of potentials. However, we do expect such a freedom is part of nature as we step into quantum ralm. In quantum world, Aharonov-Bohm effect proves that potentials are actually real existance. In such cases, the gauge freedom do have a very important impact on our theory. Gauge freedom is part of the internal structure of fields and goes deep into group theory, topology and differential geometry. Multipole Expansion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. admonition:: Requirement :class: warning One should be able to derive these multipole expansions of fields without refering to any material. In the expression for potentials, .. math:: \phi(\vec x) = \int d^3x' \frac{\rho(\vec x')}{\lvert \vec x - \vec x' \rvert}, and .. math:: \vec A = \frac{1}{c}\int \frac{\vec j}{\lvert \vec x - \vec x' \rvert} d^3x', the term .. math:: \frac{\vec j}{\lvert \vec x - \vec x' \rvert} can be Taylor expanded when :math:`\vec x' \ll \vec x`, .. math:: &\frac{1}{\lvert \vec x - \vec x' \rvert} \\ =& \frac{1}{r} - x'_i \partial_i \frac{1}{r} + \frac{1}{2} x'_i x'_j \partial_i \partial_j \frac{1}{r} + cdots where :math:`1/r` is :math:`1/\lvert x \rvert` . Apply this expansion, we can find the dipole and quadrapole of a charge distribution, which are .. math:: \vec p = \int \rho(\vec x') \vec x' d^3 x', .. math:: Q_{ij} = \frac{1}{2} \int \rho(\vec x') ( 3x'_i x'_j - r'^2 \delta_{ij}) d^3x'. The corresponding potentials are .. math:: \vec \phi_d = \frac{\vec p\cdot \vec x}{r^3}, and .. math:: \vec \phi_q = \frac{x_i Q_{ij} x_j }{r^5}. The electric field can be calculated using :math:`\vec E = -\nabla \phi`. For magnetic field, a dipole expansion shows that .. math:: \vec A = \frac{\mu\times \vec x}{r^3}, where .. math:: \vec \mu = \frac{1}{2c} \int \vec x' \times \vec j(\vec x') d^3 x'. Force and Torque ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. admonition:: Requirement :class: warning 1. Write the most general expression for force and torque. 2. Derive the expression with dipole and quadrapole approximations. Among the tricks, virtual work principle could be a nice one. Force and torque can be calculated using virtual work principle. However, for dipoles, they can be calculated directly.