Basics of Special Relativity ************************************** The Postulates, Spacetime Diagram, and Metric ===================================================================== Special relativity was developed out of two postulates [Schutz2009]_ 1. Princple of relativity (Galileo), 2. Universality of speed of light (Einstein). Using these two postulates, where the first key definition is interval of events squared .. math:: \Delta s^2, we can derive basically all the relations we need. Some other intuitions will also be applied to the derivations. Using a spacetime diagram, we can prove that this is invariant under transformation of frames [Schutz2009]_. .. admonition:: Hyperbolic Space :class: note If anyone realizes that spacetime is in fact hyperbolic space by looking at the expression of intervals :math:`\Delta s^2`, the transformation is determined. As we know the invariant quantity of the physical laws, the transformation of vectors can be found out of it, which is basically a rotation in hyperbolic space. Metric Conventions ============================== The metric in Eq. :eq:`eq-sr-calculate-interval` is 'derived' from the interval. To write it down, there are different convention. We choose the signature :math:`+2` metric in special relativity .. math:: \eta_{\mu\nu}=\begin{pmatrix} -1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ \end{pmatrix}. In most cases, we use natural unit :math:`c=1`. .. admonition:: d'Alembert operator :class: toggle d'Alembert operator, or wave operator, is the Lapace operator in Minkowski space. [1]_ .. math:: \Box \equiv \partial _ \mu\partial^\nu = \eta _{\mu\nu}\partial^\mu \partial^\nu In the usual {t,x,y,z} natural orthonormal basis, .. math:: \Box & = -\partial_t^2+\partial_x^2+\partial_y^2+\partial_z^2 \\ & = -\partial_t^2+\Delta^2 \\ & = -\partial_t^2+\nabla On wiki [2]_ , they give some applications to it. * klein-Gordon equation :math:`(\Box+m^2)\phi=0` * wave equation for electromagnetic field in vacuum: For the electromagnetic four-potential $\Box A^\mu=0$\footnote{Gauge} * wave equation for small vibrations :math:`\Box_c u(t,x)=0\rightarrow u_{tt}-c^2 u_{xx}=0` Hyperbolic Geometric Description ================================== .. admonition:: A Coincidence? :class: note Let's start from this coincidence. .. _special-relativity-velocity-addition: .. figure:: assets/special-relativity/specialRelativityVelocityAddition.png :align: center Addition of velocities Recall that in special relativity, velocity addition is .. math:: v_S = \frac{u+v_O}{1+ \beta v/c}, :label: eqn-velocity-transformation-1d where :math:`v_S` is the velocity measured in moving frame S, :math:`v_O` is the velocity measured in frame O. This :math:`\beta` is the factor :math:`u/c` where u is the velocity of the moving frame measure in frame O. At the same time, we have the following hyper trig relation. .. math:: \tanh (\alpha + \beta) = \frac{\tanh \alpha + \tanh \beta}{1 + \tanh \alpha \tanh \beta}. Isn't this addition of angles the same as the velocity addition? The algebra of relativity is mostly based on invariance of a new distance under a new rotation. Here we are not going to repeat the derivation of these transformations from the beginning, instead we would like to have a look at the really amazing part of this mathematical theory. As shown in :numref:`special-relativity-velocity-addition`, we define quantities in two different frames, the frame O and frame S. The velocity of frame S measured in frame O is :math:`u`. Out of this velocity we define a quantity .. math:: \tanh \alpha_u = \frac{u}{c}, In fact, any velocity divided by speed of light should be a hyperbolic tangent, .. math:: \tanh \alpha_{v_x} = \frac{v_x}{c}. With this definition of hyperbolic tangent, we notice that .. math:: \gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - u^2/c^2}} = \cosh\alpha_u. Suppose we have an object moving with velocity :math:`v_S` in frame S. The velocity measured in frame O is the addition of the velocity of frame S itself and the velocity :math:`v_S`, except the addition rule is not the usual plus but the rule stated in Eq. (:eq:`eqn-velocity-transformation-1d`). We apply the definitions of the hyperbolic trig function, .. math:: \frac{v_{S}}{c} = \tanh(\alpha_u + \alpha_{v_O}) = \frac{\tanh \alpha_{u} + \tanh \alpha_{v_0}}{1 + \tanh \alpha_{U} \tanh \alpha_{v_O}} = \frac{u/c + v_O/c}{1+ \frac{u}{c} \frac{v_{O}}{c}}. We could imagine the algebra of velocities would be simply summations if we define 'velocity' as :math:`\arctan \frac{v_x}{c}`. Addition of velocities is not that fundamental. What's more important is :highlight-text:`the transformation of coordinate`, as we have always been talking about. In the old school language, the coordinate transformation is .. math:: \begin{pmatrix} t_O\\ x_O \end{pmatrix} = \gamma \begin{pmatrix} 1 & u/c^2 \\ u & 1 \end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix} t_S\\ x_S \end{pmatrix}, where .. math:: \gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - u^2/c^2}} = \cosh\alpha_u. If we use the language of hyperbolic trig functions, this transformation becomes .. math:: \begin{pmatrix} t_O\\ x_O \end{pmatrix} = &\cosh\alpha_u \begin{pmatrix} 1 & (\tanh \alpha_u)/c \\ c(\tanh\alpha_u) & 1 \end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix} t_S\\ x_S \end{pmatrix}\\ =& \begin{pmatrix} \cosh\alpha_u & (\sin \alpha_u)/c \\ c(\sin\alpha_u) & \cosh\alpha_u \end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix} t_S\\ x_S \end{pmatrix}. To make the transformation symmetric, we consider .. math:: \begin{pmatrix} c t_O\\ x_O \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \cosh\alpha_u & \sin \alpha_u \\ \sin\alpha_u & \cosh\alpha_u \end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix} ct_S\\ x_S \end{pmatrix}. .. admonition:: Natural Unit :class: hint Look at these tedious steps. Why not just use natural units and set :math:`c=1`. We should. This is basically the rotation matrix in hyperbolic spacetime. .. admonition:: Rotation in Euclidean Space :class: toggle The rotations in Euclidean space is described as .. math:: \begin{pmatrix} x'\\ y' \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \cos\theta & -\sin \theta \\ \sin\theta & \cos\theta \end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix} x\\ y \end{pmatrix}. It is quite different from the rotations in Euclidean space. Since we are talking about geometry, space-time diagram will be extremely important. The length contraction, time dilation, and even doppler shift can be explained and calculated using the hyperbolic trig functions. Triangles on the space-time diagram are described in :ref:`visualizations-of-hyperbolic-space`. .. index:: time-dilation Time Dilation ========================= Use a spacetime diagram. Length Contraction ========================= Use a spacetime diagram. Footnotes ========== 1. *The Geometry of Special Relativity* by Tevian Dray. .. [1] Actually, there are more general definations for Lapacian, which includes this d'Alembertian of course. .. [2] wiki:D'Alembert\_operator .. [Schutz2009] *A First Course in General Relativity*